Interaction system of quality management and marketing management in the modern organization

Economics and management


Malykhina M. A.

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, 82, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, 119571, Russia



Purpose: to analyze the communication system of marketing management and quality management in the modern organization, identify the factors and levels of integration, the potential scope of applying international quality management systems to marketing. A comparative analysis of the marketing role in the international awards in the field of quality management revealed that the requirements to the marketing process in the international quality awards are not spelled out in detail, and the quality of the marketing process is not included in the purposes. Article shows that in the modern version of ISO 9000 requirements to marketing processes that is based on market research and generated on their basis requirements for products or services that meet the consumers’ expectations. Integration requirements for marketing in the quality management system lags behind the real needs of today’s organizations, especially Russian, requiring the use of advanced foreign experience to reduce the time necessary for the modernization of the Russian economy.

The author develops a classification of integration levels of marketing management and quality management and complements this classification based on quality components. Author analyzes the communication of marketing management and quality management in marketing of services. The article shows how marketing management interacts with quality management in the framework of management theory — structurally, in terms of processes and performance, as well as identifies the factors contributing to the integration of marketing management and quality management.

The article discusses the relationship of marketing management and quality management in the light of the modern theory of social systems by Niklas Luhmann. The integration of these management subsystems does not arise automatically, and the author reveals customer satisfaction as the common ground between the two subsystems as the basis of communication between them.

Conclusions of the study are applicable to the development of marketing performance indicators systems in modern organizations, as well as for embedding of marketing into a quality management system to reduce costs and monitor the effectiveness of marketing operations.


quality control, quality management, marketing control, marketing management, theory of social systems, quality management system


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