2009. № 33

Social sciences

Bezklubaya S. A.

The article contains analysis of forming of Kievan Rus’s culture from the end of 10th till thy middle of 13th centuries as syncretical one. The syncretism was regarded as process of appearance and developing of culture’s heritage. The epoch-created property of minding models of this process was regarded as it’s distinctive features (fine arts, religious, phylosophy).

Keywords: Kievan Rus’; medieval age; cultural syncretism; double baptism; double culture; etos; kalokagatia; style; template; fine arts; syntes.

Welmogko I. N.

In the article "Changes in the social structure of the Soviet society in the middle of the XX century" social structure of Soviet society and the main tendencies it's changes in condition of the developed socialism is analyzed. City economic priority towards the village influenced mass immigration. As a result the agrarian manufacture lost the most perspective part of labour resources. In accordance with theoretical postulates in the 50-th and in following years the task was given to the country to remove differences between social groups and to make classless society.

Keywords: Classless society; mass immigration; main tendencies; developed socialism; social structure; Soviet society; labour resources; economic priority.


Nefedov V. N.

The mathematical programming problem with equation type restrictions or without any restrictions is considered. It is assumed that in the neighbourhood of origin (which belongs to the admissible set) the objective function and functions in the restrictions are analytical. Some necessary and sufficient conditions of local minimum are suggested, which allow in many difficult for investigation cases give an answer on the question, whether the origin is the point of local minimum or not.

Keywords: Mathematical programming problem; analytical problems; optimization; necessary and sufficient conditions of local minimum; polynomial forms.

Kudryavtseva I. A.

  • The problem of plasma diagnostics with the spherical charged probe is considered. In case of strongly ionized and collisional plasma the mathematical model is developed. The model includes the Fokker-Planck equation, describing transport and charged particles collisions processes, and the Poisson equation, describing self-consistent electrical field influence. The method of the problem solution based on the Monte-Carlo Method is obtained.

    Keywords: Plasma; the probe diagnostics; transitional mode; the Method Monte-Carlo; the Fokker-Planck equation; the Poisson equation.

  • Computer engineering. Information technology

    Rybin V. V.

    Presently various mathematical computer-oriented systems and their extension packages are used for calculations in the education. These packages are applied for a study of spectral form of the control system mathematical description. The design technique of MLSY_SM extension packages for Mathcad, Maple, Mathematica, and Matlab is discussed in [8]. Such packages allow analyzing the linear nonstationary continuous or discrete control systems by the spectral method. In this paper MLSY_SM extension package for Mathcad in the biorthogonal wavelet basis and features of its formation are considered. Examples are given to illustrate the efficiency of the developed package.

    Keywords: Biorthogonal wavelet bases; multiresolution analysis; non-stationary automatic control systems; spectral form of the mathematical description; mathematical computer-oriented systems.

    Rybin V. V.

    Presently various mathematical computer-oriented systems and their extension packages are used for calculations in the education. These packages are applied for a study of spectral form of the control system mathematical description. The design technique of MLSY_SM extension packages for Mathcad, Maple, Mathematica, and Matlab is discussed in [8]. Such packages allow analyzing the linear nonstationary continuous or discrete control systems by the spectral method. In this paper MLSY_SM extension package for Mathcad in the m-th order Daubechies wavelet basis and features of its formation are considered. Examples are given to illustrate the efficiency of the developed package.

    Keywords: Daubechies wavelet basis; multiresolution analysis; non-stationary automatic control systems; spectral form of the mathematical description; mathematical computer-oriented systems.

    Radio engineering. Electronics

    Bolshov O. A.

    In the article is considered the problem of speech communications via open radio channels and are determined levels of signals, providing necessary intelligibility during digital transformations of speech.

    Keywords: Threshold signals; information protection; signals of digital telecommunication and communication means.

    Bolshov O. A.

    The article considers the issue of evaluation of degree of the information security which the engineering systems that establish leakage channels owning to the side and casual electromagnetic radiation from vocoders, are operating with, and defines the threshold levels (with minimum power) of signals for technical channels of voice data interception in angle modulation.

    Keywords: Threshold signals; signals of analog devices and telecommunications systems.

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