2013. № 63

63 выпуск электронного журнала «Труды МАИ» является тематическим и содержит 12 научных статей, подготовленных на основе докладов, поставленных на ХХI Международном семинаре «Современные технологии в задачах управления, автоматики и обработки информации - сентябрь 2012», и признанных экспертными группами и Программным комитетом семинара соответствующими общепризнанным критериям высокого научного уровня. В работе семинара приняли участие более 10 российских высших учебных заведений, в том числе 70 ученых и специалистов, а также 140 студентов и аспирантов. По десяти научным направлениям (интеллектуальные системы управления и принятия решений; информационные технологии при построении средств обработки информации, экспертных систем и интеллектуальной поддержки административного управления и экономики; современные технологии при построении средств автоматики; нейронные сети и устройства нечеткой логики; интеллектуальные системы обучения и самообучения; современные технологии в задачах разработки двигательных установок и автоматизированного привода; информационные технологии в измерительных системах и сетях; информационные технологии в прикладных задачах управления и распределенной информации) заслушано более 90 докладов по актуальным проблемам разработки и практического применения информационных технологий в задачах управления авиационными, техническими и социально-экономическими системами. Программный и Организационный комитеты ХХI Международного семинара «Современные технологии в задачах управления, автоматики и обработки информации выражают надежду, что издание данного выпуска будет полезным для дальнейшего развития в Российской Федерации высоких технологий и кадрового потенциала научных сотрудников.

Aviation technics and technology

Seregin S. I.

Introduction of beskardanny systems of orientation and navigation in a contour of management of the pilotless aircraft (A) is the most perspective task [1].  The special class is represented by LA having rotation on a list.  In work the algorithm of definition of stretching conditions of such LA is presented.  Various ways of formation of stretching conditions were considered and the most expedient is defined in application onboard high-dynamic LA.

Keywords: orientation system; pilotless aircraft; algorithms of definition of stretching conditions

Control systems

Khanykov I. G.

The way of parametrical defects localization in remote tracking system is considered. Systems of the algebraic communication equations of blocks' and transfer function's factors are made. Failed unit is determined by rank tests’ and residue vectors’ values.

Keywords: fault isolation; identification; tracking system; connection equations systems; rank test; residual vector

Tin P., Gorbachev Y. V., Gasanzade K. I.

Multi-channel system priority service aircraft when landing and the passenger sat the airport upon arrival is considered. The possibility to choose the number of channels for a given allowable probability of failure in service is described.

Keywords: queuing system; security control; optimal control; aircraft

Lebedev G. N., Vu X. H.

The problem of the maximum speed of the ship docking at a given point isconsidered.A combined operation with relay and linear regulators that provide the terminal phase of a terminal high accuracy position and velocity isproposed.

Keywords: ship; optimal control; linear; relay; regulator

Lebedev G. N., Tin P., Zaw M. H., Medvedev A. M.

The problem of optimal control of lateral movement of vehicles as they approach on crossing routes at any angle.

Keywords: security control; optimal control; aircraft; dynamic programming; risk function

Petenev E. K., Pushulin S. V., Chemodanov V. B.

The issues of effective data transfer and aggregation of information from multiple sensors based on a simple communication protocol on board of a light UAV.

Keywords: data transfer; aggregation of information; sensors; unmanned aerial vehicle; ethernet; usb; uart; electronics; microcontroller

Tin P.

Multi-channel system priority service aircraft is considered when landing. The possibility to select the length of the queue or the entrance to the track given the number of channels in the allowable probability of failure in service is described.

Keywords: queuing system; security control; optimal control; aircraft

Ryabzev M. V.

The paper presents the results of model tests encoder calculation accuracy, the algorithm processing, cascade multiplexing scheme.

Keywords: encoder; pipeline accessories; reducer; Gray code; infrared transmitter

Lebedev G. N., Gatich S. A.

The question of aircraft landing run control is considered in the paper. Control is accomplished by the elevator, elerons, rudder, differential brake moment on base wheels and by rotation of front wheel. Control algorithms is described, their efficiency is denoted.

Keywords: landing; landing run; cornering; rolling resistance

Navigation systems

Veremeenko K. K., Galay I. A.

Calibration method and algorithm for high-accuracy inertial navigation system are considered. As an input to the calibration algorithm uses the signals from the output of the system (coordinates, velocity and orientation angles). The method and algorithm which is given in article are realized on two-axis motion simulator.An example of work of inertial system calibration simulation software is given.

Keywords: calibration; motion simulators; gyroscope;accelerometer; algorithm; inertial navigation system

Lazarev I. V.

Simulation of star tracker system. It deals with questions of projecting an observed area of a star sky is described. Calculation of an optical signal on a surface of an opto-electronic device, coming from a star with a random visible magnitude is made. Transformation of optical signal to electric and processes of recognition of observed group of stars are imitated, with the aim of calculating spacecraft orientation.

Keywords: star tracker system; spacecraft; opto-electronic device; orientation; stars group recognition

Economics and management

Lebedev G. N., Dao N. T.

The simultaneous production and improve its quality by manufacturing and constructive level of the enterprise is considered. It is shown that the demand for the products is dependent on the rate of increase of its quality, which is especially important in times of recession.

Keywords: control; industrial; production; aircraft industry

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