2012. № 62

62 выпуск электронного журнала «Труды МАИ» является тематическим и содержит 24 научных статьи, подготовленные на основе докладов на IX-ой Всероссийской научно-технической конференции «Проблемы совершенствования робототехнических и интеллектуальных систем летательных аппаратов» и признанные Программным Комитетом соответствующими общепризнанным критериям высокого научного уровня. IX-ая Всероссийская научно-техническая конференция «Проблемы совершенствования робототехнических и интеллектуальных систем летательных аппаратов», посвященная памяти старейшего сотрудника факультета № 7 и МАИ в целом Льва Владимировича Рабиновича, скоропостижно ушедшего из жизни за несколько недель до дня проведения конференции, прошла 25-26 июня 2012 года на территории МАИ. Ее участниками стали более 115 человек, среди которых ученые и специалисты — представители более 15 предприятий авиакосмической отрасли, преподаватели, научные сотрудники, аспиранты и студенты 5 научных и высших учебных заведений России. В рамках конференции работали 5 секций по соответствующим направлениям: «Информационно-управляющие комплексы ЛА», «Системное проектирование авиационных комплексов», «Системы приводов ЛА», «Проектирование, исследования и испытания робототехнических систем ЛА», «Интеллектуальные системы измерения и управления в задачах авиационной и ракетно-космической техники: технологии NI». Было заслушано более 65 докладов по актуальным вопросам научно-технического развития робототехнических и интеллектуальных систем в аэрокосмической отрасли и смежных высокотехнологичных отраслях промышленности. Издание данного выпуска будет полезным для дальнейшего развития в Российской Федерации высоких технологий и кадрового потенциала таких технологий.

Kulifeev Y. B., Afanasyev Y. N.

Article is devoted to consideration of a problem of automatic control by longitudinal movement of the aircraft of plane type for ensuring automation of landing. The task is solved at the expense of management of the rotary stabilizer and change of draft of the power plant. The assessment of working capacity and efficiency of the offered algorithm is made.

Keywords: algorithms of automatic plane landing; calculation of the set overloads; calculation of the set corner of a deviation of the stabilizer; calculation of the set draft of the power plant

Kim N. V., Krylov I. G.

The problems of a group of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), related to the organization of coherent planning and control of UAVs that perform various monitoring tasks.

Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), a group application, analysis of the situation, search for objects

Efromeev A. G.

The article describes the microprocessor control system of the correction unit drive of list rotating aircraft. Brushless torque motor is used as actuating element of the correction unit drive.

Keywords: microprocessor control system; electric drive; brushless torque motor

Gubskiy P. M.

Burst of projectile with time-impact fuse control under firing a round from aviation gun is examined in the article. Solution of this task is presented under firing from helicopter on the anti-tank missile complex “MILAN” by high explosive and kinetic energy multielement projectiles. This solution is consisted in determination of optimal burst point location. Burst point location control is realized by selection of gun orientation and burst time of every projectile in round.

Keywords: time burst; location of burst point; efficiency; optimization

Ponjatsky V. M., Fimushkin V. S., Kushnikov D. V., Fedorishcheva V. G., Petrushin A. V., Shidlovsky D. J.

The basic design stages and debuggings of the software realising algorithms of management by a steering drive on microprocessor systems are considered. As tool means for modelling and generation of operating programs it is offered to use the environment of dynamic modeling MATLAB.

Keywords: asteering drive; operating program; built in systems; working out; debugging

Archipova O. V.

The research objectives of considered paper are formation of the new concept for intellectual system functioning results representation and efficiency of use of the offered variant of indication justification. Analytical calculation of temporary expenses of the operator and root-mean-square deviation of the general time is given in work for three situations compared each other representing the same fragment of distant air fight.

Keywords: intelligent system support; expert system; distant air fight; indicator providing; the operating field is information; recommendations to the pilot; logic of work «the pilot - onboard equipment»; count of decisions of the operator; calculation of temporary expenses

Krylov N. V., Samsonovich S. L., Stepanov V. S.

The possibility of automating the design of electromechanical drives on the basis of cycloidal reducer with rolling elements is considered. The basic principles of the design of a unified gear module are defined. The automation designing of 3Dparts, assemblies, and drawings of the cycloidal reducer with rolling elements is considered. The example of the two-stage gear based on standardized modules is given.

Keywords: electromechanical drives; cycloidal reducer with rolling elements; modular gear design; automated gear design

Korneev N. I.

The paper describes the modeling system of typical situations of flight, within the established strategies of different groups of aircraft. Behavioral strategy includes possible flight trajectories for each aircraft of the group, there is a problem with the implementation of the planned tactical method before the flight through one of the fragments of BOSES - Block Construction of Trajectories.

Keywords: expert system; tactical method; construction of trajectories

Orkin B. D., Orkin S. D.

The article deals with a target distribution of fleet fighters; long-, medium- and short-range antiaircraft missile complexes and antiaircraft artillery complexes as a part of the aerocarrier ship group air defence system algorithm structure. Air defence resources distribution algorithms for other types of ship groups are, as a rule, particular cases of the given algorithm. The proposed algorithm is a part of the typical ship groups defeat by means of aviation mathematical simulation model used as the air-to-ship weapons performances substantiation toolkit.

Keywords: ship group; target distribution algorithm; target distribution of fleet fighters; a target distribution of antiaircraft missile complexes; target distribution of antiaircraft artillery complexes

Baranov M. V., Borisov M. V., Korchagin O. A., Krylov N. V., Samsonovich S. L., Stepanov V. S.

Justification of a choice of the BLDC motor and cycloidal reducer with rolling elements for an electromechanical drive of a rudder of the transport aircraft is given. Influence of ratio of a reducer and electric motor parameters is considered: factor of an electric reduction, inductance of phases and a way of formation of currents in phases on the general overall dimensions depending on chosen velocity of the electric motor.

Keywords: servomechanism; electromechanical drives; rudder drives; BLDC motors; cycloidal reducer with rolling elements

Borisov M. V., Samsonovich S. L.

Is considering actuating unit, which consist of two gears: output gears – transforming rotation to linear movement, and intermediate gears – transforming rotation to rotation movement. Is considering the choose of the parameters of the harmonic gear with rolling body as intermediate and linear ball screw-and-nut gears with separator as output.

Keywords: electromechanical minidrive; linear; harmonic gear; rolling body, ball screw-and-nut arrangement

Goriachev O. V., Efromeev A. G.

The article describes the quasioptimal control system rotor speed with independent rotating stator. Brushless direct current motor is used as actuating element of control system.

Keywords: quasioptimal control; brushless direct current motor

Goriachev O. V., Minchuk S. V.

The article describes the design procedure of electric torque motor thermal processes model based on finite-element method. Parameters of the linear thermal model are obtained as solution of the nonstationary heat-transfer task.

Keywords: brushless torque motor; thermal model; forced operation

Kornilov V. A., Molodyakov D. S., Sinyavskaya Y. A.

In the article we consider the problem ofsyntheses of multicopter flight control system, propose the variants of architecture of automatic control system. The basic flight modes and variants of control are described.

Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle; multicopter; automatic control; quasi-optimal control; Pontryagin maximum; Kalman-Buсy filter

Pankov A. P., Panarin A. A.

The article considers the construction of automated complex, permit make experimental for the experimental study of the drive the horizontal guidance the electro-optical system. Mathematical modeling of the system with the use off uzzy logic.

Keywords: electric drive; automated complex; the electro-optical system

Alexandrov V. S., Vasiliev A. A., Zuykov V. A., Morozova E. V.

The problems of analyzing the characteristics of the controlled pneumatic valve, which provides a cut-off of gas and its flow with a constant low pressure to the consumer in the form of a supersonic nozzle, forming with it adjustable gas-dynamic actuator.

Keywords: electro-pneumatic valve; pressure regulator; gas-dynamic system; parametric synthesis

Goriachev O. V., Chadaev A. V.

The article comes up with analysis of two-coordinate system of aiming and stabilization for optical electronic unit with various control algorithms characteristics in accounting of inertial sensible elements unit real parameters.

Keywords: PID-algorithm; quasioptimal on speed algorithm; inertial sensible elements unit

Ilyuhina N. S., Frolov A. A.

In this work presents the mathematical description, calculation and analysis of dynamic characteristics of the relay solenoid actuator. The influence of operational parameters on the dynamics of the drive.

Keywords: solenoid power steering; vortex current; field scattering

Stepanichev D. I.

The article is devoted to the mathematical model of electric drive with reciprocating-rotating motion of function element. The electric drive is based on ball screw.

Keywords: vertical guidance drive; translational movement electric drive; ball screw

Garevskaya N. V., Poliansky V. V., Sabadyr A. M., Semcov A. S.

The object of investigation is controllable/autonomous walking machine with high passability. The model of walking machine was created, interaction with the environment math models was developed, geometrical dimensions of passable obstacles was defined. On basis of selected model were developed functional capabilities and control system algorithm. The model sample of walking machine was created.

Keywords: аutonomous walking machine; model; high passability; combined system; complexing; finite state machine; spider; robot; control system; locomotion

Kozorez D. A., Obrezkov I. V., Tikhonov K. M., Tishkov V. V.

Intergation results of SolidWorks helicopter rigit body physical model and SimMekhanics/Simulink/Matlab mathematical models of: helicopter dynamics, tracking system system with human operator, mobile artillery system and typical functional tasks model solutions effectiveness evaluation are shown.

Keywords: modeling, information technology, solid models, target tracking system

Pravidlo M. N., Kuznetsova Y. O.

In the work is considered the algorithm design of initial signal formation on aircraft carrier which is transferred into the inertial missile control system.

Keywords: launch system; aviation guided missile; aircraft-carrier; safety separation; aerodynamic interference; relative path

Obnosov B. V., Daneko A. I., Zakharov I. V., Trubnikov A. A., Reshetnikov D. A.

In given article is described the problem of optimization of checking of the unified automated test system. Ways of minimization of units test composition are offered.

Keywords: automated; tests; the control; object; structure; minimization; signal; stimulating; cost

Obnosov B. V., Daneko A. I., Zakharov I. V., Trubnikov A. A., Reshetnikov D. A.

The article deals with image and methodological support of hardware and software for the rapid assessment of the technical condition of missile class "air-to-air" short range of the operating organization with the application of the method of functional control.

Keywords: functional control, hardware and software, missile control system, linear acceleration sensors, angu-lar acceleration sensors

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