2003. № 13

Technical cybernetics. Information technology. Computer facilities

Rybin V. V.

Presently variable computer-oriented mathematics systems (CMS) [8-11] are used for mathematic computation for education software. Using of these systems for learning of control systems mathematic description forms admits to design extension packages for CMS. In this article the design technique of MLSM_SM extension packages for Mathcad, Maple, Mathematica, Matlab CMS is considered. These packages permit to analyse linear, non-stationary, determinate and stochastic, discrete, continuous, continuous-discrete control systems in the spectral domain. Characteristic and description of these systems are provided. The results of analysis of the self-pointed rocket control system based on Mathcad computer-oriented mathematics system [8] and MLSY_SM extension package are realized.


Rybin V. V.

Presently variable computer-oriented mathematics systems (CMS) [8] are used for learning of control systems mathematics description forms for education software. Matlab mathtematic system sets off these systems [10]. The modeling package of block dynamical systems (Simulink) enter into this system. In this article the design technique of the Spektr_SM extension package [9] for Simulink package is considered. The Spektr_SM extension package is based on MLSY_SM extension package [8] for CMS Matlab. The functional block-scheme of control systems permits to introduce setting up the problem. The Spektr_SM extension package admits of analyze linear, non-stationary, determinate and stochastic, discrete, continuous, continuous-discrete control systems in the spectral domain. Characteristics and description of the package are provided. Examples of control systems S-models construction and results of analysis of these systems based on the Spektr_SM extension package for Simulink package are realized.


Ukhalin A. S., Gorshkov V. V.

The article discusses methods of frame cast-iron components restoration and suggests a new non-traditional methods of repair. Special attention is given to the efficiency of polymer material, used in unit restoration. The object of research is the pressurized sealed joints, that are being formed in the process of frame's components restoration of the units.


Rybackov K. A., Sotskova I. L.

We consider the new approach to syntheses of the optimal control for the multidimensional stochastic systems with the variable structure under incomplete information about the system state. The sufficient conditions of the optimality are given. The general case of the performance index and the optimal control in average are considered.


Dubovick S. E., Soshnikov D. V.

The article presents a model for structural and dynamic knowledge representation using semantic networks extended with and/or trees. Presented model unifies several traditional AI approaches to knowledge representation in a single graphical formalism, which can be used to express both static/structural and dynamic aspects of problem domain knowledge, allowing unified inference procedure and effective machine representation.


Humanitarian and social studies

Snesareva N. V.

The title of this article is "A some problems of the Russian conservatism on the history science". This article was written by of candidate for science research Snesareva Nathalie Vadimovna. She writes about the reflection of problems of the Russian conservatism in the doctrines of the native and of the foreign research workers. The subjects of this article are definition of the terming " conservatism", the genesis of Russian conservatism, and the typologies of the native conservatism.


Aviation technics and technology

Zakharov M. A., Leonov V. A.

For preparation of the decision on the computer, on the basis of the standard model of longitudinal movement of the maneuverable plane, the system of the nonlinear differential equations of 6-th order is deduced, in view of non-stationary making aerodynamic factors and with inclusion of the relaxational equation of a fly-off flow. The decision in the program "MathCad" is received. Modes of flight (after switching-off of system of improvement of stability and controllabilities) are considered at various corners of installation of the stabilizer: (t) (in maneuver "Cobra Pugacheva") and (0) (at initial indignations for the analysis of stability of movement). The linearization is executed and the system of the equations in increments from basic movement is made. For a finding of criteria of stability assumptions are entered and the differential equations of 3-rd order are received. Expressions of aperiodic and oscillatory stability are determined.


Mathematics. Physics. Mechanics

Vinogradov V. S., Ivanov A. V., Cheredov V. V., Pal'ciz A. A.

In the given work research of influence of thickness of some the dielectric coverings put on a metal basis, on integrated absorbic ability (factor of thermal radiation) systems "substrate - covering" as the whole in a range of lengths of electromagnetic waves 1?25 micron is carried out.


Radio engineering. Electronics

Chikin A. V.

Fast decoding method is proposed for a wide range of linear block codes. Algorithm and probability analysis are described in the paper.


Chikin A. V.

In this paper an algorithm of joint detection and acquisition pseudorandom series, used in wideband communications systems (for instant, CDMA), is synthesized. The synthesis is fulfilled at a nonparametric apriory uncertainty condition and, in addition, with the demand to result of being optimal in chosen cannel class.


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